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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - rest° n.


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Rest° n.

rest° n.
1) repose, sleep, nap, doze, siesta, slumber, Chiefly Brit lie-down, Colloq forty winks, zizz, snooze; shut-eye: I think I'll have a bit of a rest before dinner. 2) relaxation, intermission, interval, interlude, entr'acte, rest period, cessation, (tea or coffee) break, recess, breather, breathing-spell, respite, time off, holiday, Chiefly US and Canadian vacation: Why don't you take a rest for a while? 3 ease, relaxation, leisure, indolence, idleness, inactivity, loafing, dozing: His well-deserved rest was disturbed by an urgent request from Interpol to investigate a smuggling operation. 4) prop, support, holder, brace, trestle, shelf, bracket: Those old guns were too heavy to hold and fire without using a rest. 5) come to rest. stop, end up, turn up, arrive: The ball rolled down the slope and came to rest in a puddle. --v. 6) (go to) sleep, doze, relax, take a rest, (take one's) repose, lie down, recline, go or take to one's bed, take one's ease, unwind, loll, languish, laze about, be idle, idle about, lounge, (take a) nap, put one's feet up, Colloq take it easy, snooze, count sheep, have a zizz, catch or grab some shut-eye, get or take forty winks, US catch or log a few zees (Z's) , Slang Brit kip, doss down, hit the sack, hit the hay, US sack out: Rest now - you'll feel better tomorrow. 7) reside, be situated, be lodged, lie, be placed, hinge, be found, remain, stay: The responsibility for passenger safety rests with the captain and the crew. The blame for this fiasco rests on you. 8) place, position, put, lay, set, lean, prop: Rest your head on my shoulder. 9) lie, remain, stay: Can't you let the matter rest? 10 allay, calm, quiet, still, stay: Rest your fears - I shall let nothing happen to you.
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